Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New office!

2 days before advisory committee meeting, someone decided without notice that all the grad students were to move to a new room. My first annoyment obviously immediately moved into happy procrastination as I moved all my stuff, and threw away lots of the garbage that I totally had no need for, and installing myself into a corner by the windows in the ex-4th year lab. It's interesting how a new location can trigger lots of inspiration! All of a sudden yesterday's anguish was gone (there's still some anguish left due to the meeting of course, but at least it's not the mega-"whatamIthinkingdoingaPhD-Iamstupid"-anguish).

That's it for today. I have a talk to prepare. ugh.

1 comment:

gustav said...

Hello Thes,
hope you are well.
my new email is gustav@unwired.com.au
Remember the 2 Rainbow Lorrikeets,
that came to my balcony when I moved here?
Well,I took your advise and gave them some food. I noticed,they like Sunflower seeds and Apples a lot.

After 2 days the Lorries came back again,
this time they had brought some more friends and even a few small finches,
and so I put some more food out..

Well,after a few month .word must have gone around,because now i got over 20 Lorrikeets visiting me,and they also bring lots of other smaller birds along
and create a real spectacle every day.

My balcony has become an exclusive bird zone and they live better out on the sunny balcony and eat and drink more than i do.The other day I was surprised to see 2 beautiful yellow crested Cockadoo's..

Its crazy,I never expected so many birds.I was hoping they would migrate up north for the winter..

so far they are still here,waking me up at 7am every morning,even knocking on my window..I am not joking.

Some of my neighbours are not talking to me,especially one of them,a bald rude little man,that drives a boring Saab convertable,that he used to park straight underneath my balkony..

not anymore since the birds seem to use it for target practice after lunch.

I am learning to talk like a lorrikeet
and my neighbours think I am kookoo
but that's o.k.

I just hope the birds dont freeze,winter is here and it is getting quite cold at night.

But if you thinking of suggesting me sharing my room with birds,
that is a big NO.
