Friday, October 17, 2008

Door knobs - ultimate locks or ridiculous invention?

After a longer period of silence, I have decided to revive this place a bit. I'll start with a small rant: Doorknobs. Especially Winnipeg should start using handles instead. Ever tried opening a door equipped with doorknob after having applied hand lotion?
Winter in Winnipeg (not yet here, but it's coming) requires fair amounts of hand cream. It's just not compatible with doorknobs. I just found myself stuck in the ladies washroom on 5th floor (and to turn it more lady-like it is now equipped with bags with all kinds of necessary toiletries, so as to deter guys from using it - I would normally not have a problem sharing the washroom with guys, except for when said guys leave both stench and stains, yuck), trying to turn the stupid doorknob with no result.


Yvonne said...

Glad to see you back posting--keep it up!!!!!

I understand the whole problem with the need for handcream--keep using it so you don't end up with old lady wrinkle hands (like me ;((((((((

Katrina said...

Hahaha! Det är så typiskt det där! Hur dumt som helst! Enda praktiska jag kan se med den runda sorten är att det skulle hindra små barn från att öppna dörrar när man vill att dörrar ska förbli stängda.

Jess said...

You are so funny. I prefer opening the door handles in bathrooms with paper towels myself.
Keep on with the lotion save your hands from wrinkles everywhere!!

Kraxia Kataraxia said...

Door knobs is donald-duckish!!

Kraxia Kataraxia said...

Du låste mig ute i Stenhamra, vred om nyckeln till innerdörren o stod o skrattade o fattade inte vad jag gestikulerade åt genom glasrutan.. jag fick gå till en granne o be att få låna en innerdörrsnyckel... sån där gammaldags du vet...

Kraxia Kataraxia said...

you start changing those typically american donaldo-door-knobs! Contact Ikea for a propaganda raide!!