Monday, August 31, 2009

Return of the Lunicrax Lumbago

UGH! so it's time again, for my (seemingly) annually reccurring bout of lumbago. This time it came slower, and hit me as I took off cycling to the university, and had reached full power by the time I rose up from my chair about an hour later. I really should record the date. Perhaps it's the same time of the year? The same spot in earth's orbit around the sun? We enter a personalised lumbago dust cloud and the result is a few meteors and Theresa needing a cane to get out of a chair. I'd like to think that's how it works at least...

For all those worried about my fil-withdrawals, I made some kefir from a powder (not nearly as yummy as a-fil of course, but it's still fil), and will re-attempt using the yoghurt maker for making new. Buying the powder is rather expensive. I will also make yoghurt, and report on the results.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure it's now just from the bike ride?

Jess said...

I hope you are feeling better!!!

Lunicrax said...

It's gone!!! a weekend of canoeing and exercise made it better, as well as a bunch of cycling. meg: no, it was full-fledged lumbago, I'm sure. All the symptoms were right. As for the cause - usually unknown, but sitting still a lot in front of a monitor is probably not the best thing to do.