Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More dairy talk...

If I ever get inspiration and time (no, scratch that, I never will, at least not before the summer. I have my allocated amount, and more than all of those hours should go into thesis work), I'd really like to report on the bit of life that was experienced during the Christmas and New year holidays. Fun stuff: Holland, Sweden, Canon EOS 350D for a bargain price, sleeplessness due to Dutch (lack of) heating and insulation, food, sweet food, Amsterdam, airport security of a never-before-observed amount. But for now, I'll report on one of the consequencies of said experience: Successful import of A-fil in two little bottles (small!) in carry-on. Yes. And it works. F-i-n-a-l-ly. Only with 3.25% milk though. 2% doesn't cut it, no matter how much on sale it is.

Also 5 excellent cheeses were imported (2 Dutch, 3 Swedish), as well as a bunch of chocolate (~1 kg fazermint from mum only starts the list). And pinda kaas (peanut butter), so we should be able to survive the rest of the winter. I think my Dutch improved slightly, but it didn't feel like it - all of a sudden people assumed that I understood more than I did, and the result of that was that I didn't understand a thing of the accelerated conversations. Ugh.

Yes. It's afternoon, and I should be working. Tot ziens.


Jonathan said...

This sounds like an excellent time to invite myself over for dinner.

Lunicrax said...

That could be arranged... :)

Jess said...

Sounds like you had a great time. I am also needing to come over for dinner!! HE HE HE!! We need to get together friend.

Yvonne said...

I have enough trouble with English--I wonder how many languages do you speak?

Kraxia Kataraxia said...

dont mention food, I got the horrible vomit-ant thinner-than-soppabajdisease last evening. Have had such a painful night, coundt even keep a pepto-bismol, coughing since 4 weeks too, poor me. Plejadera sjunkit och månen gått ner men ännu ligger vad som en gång -tror jag - var jag, som ett värkande, utspytt mumieskal. O skänk mig en grav i det blånande hav, för där mådde jag åtminstone bra, och låt vågor mig vagga till somns, arme stackare....vadetdensjukan du fick på hemflygn?

Anonymous said...

il coule cette langue, francaise.... le langue de la gloire, comme General de Gaulle, butied in little Colombey-les-deux-eglises, called it. In the Indian Ochean french is the language that rules, I ahad a very good exercise during 2 weeks, thanks to that most of the passengers on the ship were french, too. Thought I had oublie tous, mais jái mal au cour cette jout et quel horrible nuit............peuvre-moi...