Sunday, February 12, 2017

The pure love of a child, and the lesson I learnt

Domi was obnoxiously refusing to eat, something that happens more and more often lately. I'm ok when it occurs with strange new foods (although miss the times when he would happily try anything new), but when it's pancakes?? He always loved them. And when he swats the fork out of my hand, repeatedly, so food is everywhere? Well, all of my best intentions to be a good understanding mom go straight out the window then. So, there was scolding, even some yelling, holding hands probably a bit harder then should have been...
And as I was staring into the kid's eyes with a big frown on my angry face, this happened: He looked mildly back into my eyes, brought up his hand, and started stroking my cheek, in the most loving way I've ever seen. My heart melted. For a little while, until there was more food in the ceiling. Repeat bad mom-behaviour. And then... it happened AGAIN! The look of pure love from his little face, and the caressing of my face.

And I learnt my lesson. My emotions of irritation and anger just vanished both times. It was I, myself, who brought them back in between. His love changed me. I knew it already, but I never really had felt it as strong as in this situation, that love is the only thing that can help change a hardened heart (if the person in question chooses to let it be changed of course). But as a person on the other end (Domi's end), there is no way to reach other than by love, caring, understanding (or trying too understand, at least). Oh how hard that can be at times. But oh, how easily my little boy did just that. I'm not saying that he understood my anger, probably not at all. (which I'm happy about). But a person in opposition, may just have their heart softened a bit by feeling that there is an attempt to understand them, lovingly.

Charity (=Everlasting love, the pure love of Christ, in a scriptural context) really does never fail.

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