Thursday, March 02, 2006

The first day of spring!

..that was yesterday. When heading to the bus to go to the university, I realised that the ground was fairly bare and that biking was possible. It also had turned much warmer! Spring was in the air... yeah, even what could have been a nice, albeit somewhat massive and neverending spring precipitation started falling in the afternoon. But even though it was warm, it was still below zero, and the biking possibilities turned back to nil. In my mind it's spring though, 25 cm of new snow (on top of the old compacted 0,4 meters) or no. Oh well, throwing snowballs is hilarious.

What else? Life is good, by no other apparent reason than that it is :) Lots to do, but mainly fun stuff. VLT proposal (yey!), research (that is actually getting somewhere, yey!) and LTS en masse. I also have cats for a week now, which is highly interesting. Cats are the essence of coolness. but annoying plant eaters too. And does it help to place the yummiest plants in question on top of the highest bookshelves? Certainly not. The built-in spring that cats seem to have instead of spinal column makes even these somewhat chubby cats into super-power mammals. In the evening however, when watching a Lost episode before bedtime, at least one cat jumps up in my knee, purring wildly, puts his paws on either side of my neck and shows that all hard words and attempts of planteating preventing discipline are tenderly forgiven. Miao.


Anonymous said...

Cats? I'm amazed... Don't they, like, eat birds? I thought they were ze enemy?

It's unfair btw, how can it be spring on the arctic plains and still be winter in Gothenburg? In march? It's bloody unfair...

Anonymous said...

Technically the first day of spring is
around March 20 or 21, not *yesterday*,
perhaps you were having a good dream.

Maiko :-)

Anonymous said...

No snow, but a whopping -13 degrees Celcius in Gothenburg this morning! Yep, spring is definitely in the air! :)

Lunicrax said...

-13? Göteborg? Something has got to be very wrong...