Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A gulp of air...

Oh my. Barely had time to feel happy about having the annual review talk (and questioning) behind me, before I realised that the time to finish my research for the poster (and said poster) I'm presenting at a conference, is SHORT! Then it doesn't help that the stupid photometry comparison makes no sense, and that work just seems to go nowhere, despite all those hours spent in the office... Having a perspective is good, but for once it seems to be much better to concentrate on the details, one at a time, and try not to see the big picture. Really? you ask (can't even believe I'm writing that, since I'm always extremely fond of perspective in everything). Yes, there is one case: if you have one year left of your PhD-studies and intend to publish 4-5 papers during that time. The mere thought makes me sweat and hyperventilate a bit. They are all more or less planned (ahem, more less than more, really, outlined is probably the word) though, I just need to get hold of the results for each of them, and work, neverendingly, so I can spit them out, one by one...

My usual weather rant could come in here too, I guess: What's with this May? cold and nasty. Although, I'm really just happy it's above zero.

On a fairly uninteresting note: the left back blinker on the car is broken. Since I'm an avid pro-use-of-blinker person, I find myself planning all driving carefully, so that I won't have to make any left turns. Adds a little bit of interest to the driving.

And on a sad note: I'll be missing eurovision song contest this year... (I'll be in Victoria, last day of conference, so it's not a bad deal. But missing ESC is sad. )


Anonymous said...

Just be happy that you can be sure not to catch a glimpse of it!

Jonathan said...

I believe there was a courier company in the states that planned their routes to use all right hand turns, because it saved them money in gas (less idling waiting in the left hand turn lane). Of course their routes were usually circular.

Anonymous said...

I plan all my routes in London so I don't have to make a left turn. Granted, that's not because my blinker is burnt out, but because making left turn in this city is incredibly aggravating! :D

Have fun at CASCA!!!

Yvonne said...

I hope you are able to take a take a breath and get things done.

LOL at your comment about the blinker. (You know you can always use arm signals--of course, others will probably use finger signals in return ; (