Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I did it. Handed in chapter 3 at 23:40 last night (I even had 20 minutes extra!).
Now for some coding and chapter 2. That should be fairly easy though (just describing the data, shouldn't be too bad, no awesome conclusions to make or anything. Just a pretty chapter). And, after that, I only have 2 chapters left (I don't count the summary)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus editing the rest of course. But I choose not to think of that now. Those two chapters will require brain power though. So it will be tricky.

And, we're moving to Toronto! D first (when he starts his job), myself later, when the thesis is done (but I can see myself going there a few times after he has moved...)

Life is quite exciting! If I just can survive the defence........


Anonymous said...

Yay! Toronto!!! So jealous! Get me off the prairies!!!!

Alyssa said...

Congrats on finishing Chapter 2! You should just move to Toronto and write your thesis there :)

Unknown said...

Toronto? Awesoooome! :-D

carolyne b said...

Your moving... but I am just getting to know you in Young Womens!!!! Well have fun anyway and don't forget to come back and visit.