Thursday, April 01, 2010


I have two months to finish the remaining analysis and writing. Two months?!?! I mean, what did I accomplish during the last month, even though I worked like a droid on steroids?

<*Somewhere in winnipeg one can hear the echoes of a cry of many sentiments - feelings of anguish, mixed with frustration and resolution, hope and fears, wonderings of if it's even feasible, faith in accomplishment and deepest despair*>

Well at least I feel quite alive with all these feelings. Quite exhausted as well. The feelings cycle between elation and despair with a frequency of about 24 hours. Today was a despair day. I don't like those. But at least tomorrow should be good.
This droid needs a tune-up. A faster processor would be good. More RAM and logical circuits. At least the motivation chip doesn't seem to be able to malfunction anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two months!!! You can do it! Rah, rah, rah!!! Just think how nice it will be to be in Ontario, trees, water, hills, sigh...