Saturday, April 24, 2010


I finished chapter 2 (data) 3 days ago (YES!). And my supervisor already gave me a pile of comments (things I really should have seen myself, but somehow one grows blind to the writing after a while, making the most obvious things going unnoticed). I've made a list of my remaining analysis, which needs to be written into chapter 6. It looks daunting, but still, on this the day of 50 days left before submission, it might just still be doable. I should leave a fair amount of weeks for chapter 7 (discussion).

I am thinking that going to the shuttle launch is a bit optimistic though. But, oh, I so want to go... There are three launches left, and the next one (after this one) will be just before the defence. And the last one might be popular...

(This is hilarious: I'm trying to "unconnect" my blog from my buzz, using chrome, and it doesn't work. Google, you're awesome, but seriously?)


Unknown said...

Du är bäst!

Andrew said...

Hey there, long time!

I'm heading down to the shuttle launch in May. Let me know if you end up going too!

Anonymous said...

Are you seeing the light at the end?