Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2 year anniversary

Today I've been married to my flying Dutchman for 731 days. 18 of August 2007 feels so recent still, it's hard to realise that so much time has passed. When I was little, I used to be very scared of time passing, and felt as if I kept losing it, and never was able to catch up. Then I changed my way of thinking and started imagining that I was collecting memories instead of visualizing myself dangling on a thread behind the ever-elusive now, trying to catch it. That took away a lot of unnecessary anguish! With a deficient memory like my own, it's necessary to document this passing time in an efficient manner. So it's easier to believe the past 2 years watching photos. However, my diary writing has been lacking compared to earlier, and I really need to be better at it.

One would think that 2 years should be enough time to finish the wedding webalbum. That is not the case however. Perhaps that will take place once I've survived my defence. So, next anniversary I could link to that one. For now, 1 photo from each year will suffice. It's been two very good years.

August 18 2007: Kyrkans ängar (church meadows), Onsala

18 August 2008, somewhere above St Andrews, Manitoba

August 2009, Onsala again (I didn't manage to take a picture today)


Jonathan said...

Yay, marriage! (and sushi!) We need to get together again, maybe for sushi.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary... my wedding album isn't completed either... Cali doesn't have a baby book... and I doubt this one will have one... I know I am a bad person for recording memories. I have organized my digital photos though and I plan making my blog a more accurate record of our lives. We will see what happens...

Jess said...

I can't believe two years already. You guys look so happy in your pics. We should get together when you are not so busy. Are you ever not busy? HE HE HE!!!

Alyssa said...

I'm a bit late, but happy 2nd anniversary!!

Yvonne said...

Sorry I didn't get here before this, but Happy Anniversary. Has it really been 2 years??? ARE YOU SURE : )