Aaaaah! For the first time since I got home, I can use my computer... I went to do laundry, and noticed that there was a little monitor left on the table where people tend to leave things they think someone else might be interested in. And interested I was, indeed... So I carried it up to my apartment, connected it, and LO AND BEHOLD, I can use my laptop again (the laptop screen stopped working when I got back).
Free monitors for the people!
Just watched Serenity. The best present EVER!
So anyway, I expect another webalbum soon. Sweden part two. That's not a request btw, it's an order... ;)
working on it... slowly... But you know who is mainly featured among the photos in the sweden part 2? That's correct, Sophia Loren P. Nyehehe...
Don't yuo dare to display the picture of me trying to play badminton!
Mum is home from Vietnam, Lao (without s) and Cambodia - tired and dizzy but home. Postcards will probably arrive in a week or two. A busy but good trip, not a vacation, more like a study-trip, but very interesting!! I love especially Vietnam, but of course Angkor Vat was very special. But they have to do something to preserve the not so very old temple, as it is eaten up by the tropical, tepid and very warm climate. And why not let the poor people of Cambodia have an income from the 1,2 million tourists who visit Angkor Vat each year - too much money for one or two pockets!!! Why are people so selfish? Ben is sleepy and so am I - a "fast" flight, 12 hours long, but we took a nap now and then.
Now I need a respirator or heart massage for my poor piggybank Särimner! Help, hilfe, ayudarle!
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