Thursday, June 15, 2006

Being hot

Sacre bleu!
So, I came down with the Montreal (aka Montezuma's revenge, etc), plus some bug creating a fever competing strongly with the outside temperature. Zut. I managed to attend the lectures this morning I really didn't want to miss, but the afternoon seems more ok to skip, so in a few seconds I'll try to sleep this away. Fever dreams are intriguing. Last night I dreamt that we were to have a talent show at the summer school, and I was to participate in some wrestling (is that a talent?), which, in the dream, I was really good at (who stole my brain?). Luckily, it didn't happen, due to all the fever, I had to cancel it all. Then I entered an elevator, apparently with the love of my life (nope, don't remember any features, only that he was tall. Rats.) Then the elevator, equipped with windows, malfunctioned. In real life, that would mean that it would stop, and nothing happen (I think). In my dreams (and I have frequent elevator malfunction dreams), it means that it skips your floor, accelerates, stops in the middle, accelerates down, to some unknown basement, surviving that, it now accelerates sideways, then up, up, up, (and I notice with some amusement, while desperately trying out different button combinations to make it stop, to make the alarm go on, or the phone to work, that this building had far more floors than it looked like from the outside). Usually around floor 100 or so, it just shoots out of the elevator shaft, and then, luckily, I wake up, before it hits the ground.

It's 32 outside. zzz.


Anonymous said...

i must say, this piece was very confusingly written... i got the impression that you actually got stuck in an elevator with a hottie. i had to reread the whole thing because it sounded too good to be true. it turns out it was. owell... i blame it on the fever. get well sweetie!

Kraxia Kataraxia said...

Pobrecita mia, este Moctezuma es un tonto, un Poltergeist, mit bazilluzken zum Waffen!!! Donnerwetter! Cassie var lött ig?r, ansträngande med garden parties och jag har förlorat resizeförm?ga, be Damme att hälpa mig fixa det. Alla är arga p? mig för jag spillde sillspad p? bordet (hade matjessill till middag...trodde Damme skulle gilla det efter 3,5 m?n i Indokina.) Fast jag själv torkade upp blev alla arga...
har hittat ett superbra datorbord för 150 kr p? loppis som g?r till fattiga barn och ska själv ta med en kasse kläder (till att börja med,, fler följer) men behöver ngn som hälper mig med bordet i rödabussen o alla är arga o Plupp är p? hackerpartaj... Gullethe är du bättre idag?? Hoppas det!!! Ska spella that very Moctezuma (jo, det var s? han hette och det var Hernan Cortez fel alltihop, han släpade honom i fötterna död,, o nu hämnas Moctezuma allt framgent...)ska spella Hernan Cortez istället... det var p? samma ställe som Pizarro bott vi bodde i Cusco va?? En annan concistad?re....Gulle, det är synd om Cassie okt?s äntligen kom de hem fr?n Nicco o hon jämrar sig s? o de hör inte... stackars liten...

Anonymous said...

Hmm The bör ta ngt starkt febernedsättande. Denna blogg verkar mest delirium tremens.
Krya p? dig!!