Saturday, June 03, 2006

Calgary report

My run of weird luck seems to be over now, which is nice..! Right now I actually have some extra time, after 3 days of conference activities. I'm in Calgary, enjoying 2 conferences in a row, first CASCA, and then AAS. The weather is nice, although not as nice as Winnipeg, and there's just too much food. They had the banquet early, already yesterday, and I stuffed myself with Salmon with saffron sauce, vegetables and looked suspiciously at the skewer with giant prawns and scallops. Since I can eat scallops when I eat sushi, I tried it out, and it wasn't too bad. Pretty much tofu consistency with mild ocean taste (it was cooked). The prawn on the other hand... I ate one, but no. Then there was dessert, chocolate decadence. Promising name. Well, despite being rather full at this time, I ate almost all of the 2 elusively thin pieces of incredibly massive chocolate cake (the first few pieces tasted divinely). Somehow I couldn't stop eating it even though I had had more than enough after just a few bits. So then I enjoyed about en hour of feeling puffed up as a marshmallowman, but massive as the previously eaten chocolate cake. Greenfaced. One can only eat too much of sushi and still feel fairly ok.

And the rest of the conference? Well, it's very nice. Some superb talks, some somewhat less intriguing ones (or perhaps I was just tired...), some very interesting conversations with people whose faces I never new before, only their names. The socializing is awesome at theses events. But most of all I have been anguishing about my research, and with lots of newfound inspiration, I actually can't wait to get home and WORK, like crazy!! I just have to get up with some good plan on how to make that urge last till I get back home...


Anonymous said...

Hmm CASCA and AAS sounds very interesting... seems to me that the menu got more attention though. You must watch your weight!

Anonymous said...

ynk! här är svinkallt varje dag! :(
flosch, jag vill ocks? ha choklad :)
Vilket jag ?t idag med förresten, mamma bakade n?n chokladgoja, hihi

Kraxia Kataraxia said...

You spam over some of that delicious sea food that you did not eat, can you hear me?? It is only crab you cannot eat, everything else, including gigantic pieces of gigantic octopussy arms, is eatable for you!!! Can you get the recipe (recette is a better way of spelling recept!!) of that doomsday chocolate cake or whatever they call it, pliiiizzzz! I made my usuan one, with chocolate pudding upon (powder-lazy mum nowadays, you know.. not like BC (before cruising...)I will soon send you a long thin package with something you will like- I send it to the univ. to be sure you get it!! shall I put some A Berg massepain cchocolate in it too, or will your fedupness resist for long?? Go and wash your hands ni hau ni hau, tse tse tse tse!! That will help!! I am as tired as tired can be but must finish the dog-event article tonight. No heat but sunny today and on the pastures of heaven (kyrkans ängar, las pasturas del cielo to citate Steinbeck...) there is a little baby horse, trying to walk steadily on its long, difficult-to-balance-on legs!!! It has been a sunny day but I still suffer from that rabiat attach from the insane women with the dog - the dog was probably just happy to see me, that made the hag even more rabiat!! Enough about that.. we pay 1.200 SEK for the Vickavagen each year, which must mean that I have to walk there now and then with little Cassie dachshound, dont you think? Next time I will bite!!! GRRRR!
Take some pics from the Rockies - I have only seen the airport at Calgary so far!!!
Mum de Vil

Kraxia Kataraxia said...

Dont listen to your father, eat if it is free of charge, as much as you can put in!!! And starve in between, now and then... I forgot to write "I must have the right to walk on the Vickavagen -... and I feel a bit insulted about brother Ben calling my chocolate cake "goja" - there was no parrot in it, the only parrot like thing was that I put lots of captain Morgan caribbean rhum upon it, before putting on the pudding!! There are lots of terrible recipes of those mastodont choc-cakes on internet, and they are almost the same as the one I did today. Probably the North American ones are higher, but I guess they are not borracho with Captain Morgans Rhum... I only use that kind, after having visited that famous pirates big house (now museum) on Barbados... (not pronounced Barbejdos, Barbaaaaados!!)

Kraxia Kataraxia said...

Was bedeutet CASCA and AAS???