All you can eat - sushi sounded like a good idea at first. But now I am too full to think... The sushi was ok, but I think my standards have gotten a little higher after the amazing sushi I had in calgary and albuquerque. Or perhaps I just got too full too soon.
I am getting used to being home, loving the weather, and having a really nice time. Work is good, although today I learnt that my last proposal got rejected. RATS (and other eloquent expressions of choice). It stunned me for a bit. I wonder if I shouldn't give up that project and go totally for radio astronomy from now on. But it would be so annoying just giving up on this project, considering how much time I have put into it! Well, I have one more idea... and my advisor probably has a few too. But why oh why couldn't it have been accepted..? It was so awesome! argh.
But it's impossible to stay sad when it's 25+ degrees every day, sunshine, wonderful friends around, birds, clouds, thunderstorms, a now useable river walk (all the spring mud is dug away or being overgrown with plants), dancing, amazing sunsets etc..
Didn't you get any sort of comments about why they didn't accept it?
Är All U Can eat en internationell kedja? De som startade ponderosa som sen hette babylon som sen hette n?t lika knäppt o nu heter Ponde igen, de har en restaurang som heter All U Can Eat p? mässmässan. Jag skrev rep om dem härom ?ret och fick äta s? mkt jag ville, vilket inte var s? mkt d? jag just ätit innan jag gick dit - irriterande felkalkyl!!
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